Mon - Fri 8 - 4pm

Sat Closed, Sun & Pub Hols 8-2pm

T 9371 6344

AH 0400 5000 50

475 Old South Head Rd

Rose Bay 2029




FEES / REBATES - No Bulk Billing

Consultation fees reflect time spent with the patient, as well as the hours of work done “behind the scenes” tracking or chasing-up test results, reading specialist reports, sending reminders for follow-up appointments, or passing on results via email, phone or SMS, with feedback and advice.



Practice Fee

Medicare Rebate
New Patients – Initial Consultation (15mins) $250 $39.75
Standard Consultation
(5 – 15mins)
$150 $39.75
Long Consultation
(16 – 40mins)
$230 $76.95
Extended Consultation
$350 $113.30
Standard Consultation Sun/Public Holidays
(5 – 15mins)
$180 $51.80
Long Consultation Sun/Public Holidays
(16 – 40mins)
$250 $88.80
Extended Consultation Sun/Public Holidays
$370 $124.50
Standard Home Visit (8am to 6pm) $500 $67.60
Urgent Home Visit After Hours (6pm to 11pm) $500 $137.25
Urgent Home Visit Unsociable Hours (11pm to 7am) $650 $161.75
Urgent Home Visit Sun/Public Holidays $500 $137.25
 Ear wax disimpaction via curettage or microsuction $200  $39.75

Register for the Medicare Safety Net to be entitled within the calendar year to a Medicare rebate of 80% when you, +/- the family, spend more than $2,400 on medical expenses. Find out more here.